Domestic Violence Shelters in Los Angeles County, CA: A Comprehensive Guide to Safety and Support

The whole family is our focus and priority. Research has revealed that domestic violence is a major contributor to the homelessness of the more than 18,330 homeless women in Los Angeles County.

Shelters for victims of domestic violence

are essential safe havens where those affected by abuse can get help and temporary housing. Unfortunately, Los Angeles County's shelter system is not equipped to meet the specific needs of women.

To address this issue, Survivors First has created a homelessness prevention program based on the successful Housing First (DVHF) model, which is being implemented across the country. Currently, there are 15 domestic violence and abuse shelters and programs in Los Angeles, California, of which 7 offer a hotline and 12 offer emergency shelters. These shelters are supported by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), the City Attorney's Office, and the Kuehl County Supervisor's Office, and funded by Conrad N.Su Casa — Ending Domestic Violence is a nonprofit organization that provides individuals and families with a safe place to live free from domestic violence. They have recently appointed Melisa Dugas as their new program director.

Additionally, Alberto Uribe has been named as the new executive director of Su Casa - Ending Domestic Violence. The board of directors of Su Casa - Ending Domestic Violence would like to thank Brandon Ferruccio and the cast of his one-act plays, Godesses and Restroom Confessions, for their generous donation to support families who call Su Casa their home. Su Casa — Ending Domestic Violence also offers training on the TRIC to service providers and public entities that interact with homeless people, such as the Los Angeles Police Department, the Los Angeles Library and the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. This training is designed to help survivors move quickly to safe, permanent housing. In addition, a domestic violence advocate is available to accompany victims to the permanent hearing on the restraining order, either virtually or in person. This provides victims with the support they need to move forward with the legal process. At Su Casa — Ending Domestic Violence, they believe that all people have the right to live free from violence or the threat of violence.

They strive to create partnerships with communities to end domestic violence. The resources available through these shelters are invaluable for those who are threatened with homelessness due to domestic violence. With these services in place, survivors can find safety and support while they work towards a better future.

Lucille Gesinski
Lucille Gesinski

Friendly web specialist. Incurable coffee junkie. General web trailblazer. Avid internet fan. Typical tv fan.

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